Career profile: research assistant (cystic fibrosis)

In this career profile, Shevaniee describes her role as a Research Assistant. This is one of a series of career profiles exploring lots of different jobs in genomics.
About me:
Name: Shevaniee Umamaheswaran
Job title: Research Assistant
What do I do: I work alongside Postdoctoral scientists, to help them carry out their experiments into the genetics of cystic fibrosis. This involves helping to test and improve protocols as well as maintaining the laboratory environment, such as stocking and cleaning.
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Skills I use in my job:

I use this skill everyday while working in the lab, especially when I am trying new experiments or improving protocols where we can make new discoveries.

I need to look at and interpret the data results from the experiments, which can help with decision making about what to do next.

Problem solving
Experiments don’t always go to plan or work the way we want them to. So we need to work as a team to problem solve, try new things or work on a new sample.

This is a major skill needed. I use this on a daily basis, as I work on different projects at the same time. Having a planner helps me to be productive and manage my time.